MOTÖRHEAD Releases 'Bomber: The Demos' EP

October 11, 2024

MOTÖRHEAD has just released "Bomber: The Demos" EP to celebrate the "Bomber" album's 45th anniversary. The limited-edition blue-vinyl 10-inch EP contains three previously unreleased demos from the album and is exclusive to the official MOTÖRHEAD store along with special anniversary merchandise bundles.

MOTÖRHEAD's "Bomber" should need little introduction. Featuring the classic line up of Ian "Lemmy" Kilmister, "Fast" Eddie Clarke and Phil "Philthy Animal" Taylor, the fan favorite helped cement them as one of the definitive bands in heavy metal/rock and influencing many more.

On the 45th anniversary of this iconic record, there's now even more to enjoy with the discovery of a handful of "lost" demos from the "Bomber" sessions. Featuring favorite "Dead Men Tell No Tales" alongside "Lawman" and "Alligator" (which would become "All The Aces"),it's a fascinating insight of their evolution into the well-loved tracks they became.

"Bomber: The Demos" is now available on a blue 10-inch vinyl along with a re-imagined illustration of the classic Heinkel He 111 bomber from the original cover.

Track listing:

Side A

01. Lawman

Side B

01. Alligator
02. Dead Men Tell No Tales

Taylor died in November 2015 of liver failure. Lemmy succumbed to cancer the following month. Clarke died in January 2018 after a battle with pneumonia.

Clarke, Taylor and Lemmy appeared on five albums together: MOTÖRHEAD's 1977 self-titled debut, 1979's "Overkill" and "Bomber", 1980's "Ace Of Spades" and 1982's "Iron Fist".

Photo by Allan Ballard (courtesy of Adrenaline PR / BMG)

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